「Strike meaning」熱門搜尋資訊

Strike meaning

「Strike meaning」文章包含有:「Definitionofstrikeactionthatisprotected」、「Strike(someone)asDefinition&Meaning」、「Strike」、「Strikeaction」、「StrikeDefinition&Meaning」、「StrikeDefinition&Meaning」、「STRIKEdefinitionandmeaning」、「STRIKEinTraditionalChinese」、「strikeverb-Definition」、「STRIKE」

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Definition of strike action that is protected
Definition of strike action that is protected


A strike is a concerted labour stoppage decided upon by employees to pursue occupational claims and in defence of their material or moral interests.

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Strike (someone) as Definition & Meaning
Strike (someone) as Definition & Meaning


The meaning of STRIKE (SOMEONE) AS is to cause (someone) to think about someone or something in a particular way. How to use strike ...

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Strike means to hit. If you strike someone, you hit them with your hand or a weapon. If lightning strikes, it makes contact.

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Strike action
Strike action


Strike action, also called labor strike, labour strike in British English, or simply strike, is a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work.

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Strike Definition & Meaning
Strike Definition & Meaning


1. to take a course : go struck off through the brush 2. a : to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool)

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Strike Definition & Meaning
Strike Definition & Meaning


STRIKE meaning: 1 : to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way; 2 : to cause (something) to hit something in a forceful way.

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STRIKE definition and meaning
STRIKE definition and meaning


49 meanings: 1. to deliver (a blow or stroke) to (a person) 2. to come or cause to come into sudden or violent contact (with).

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STRIKE in Traditional Chinese
STRIKE in Traditional Chinese


STRIKE translate: 停止工作, 罷工, 使受苦, 突然侵襲;使受折磨;使遭受重創, 擊打, 擊,打;撞擊;碰撞;攻擊, 用力踢(足球), (時鐘)敲,鳴,報時, ...

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strike verb - Definition
strike verb - Definition


to come against something with a lot of force.hit to come against somebody/something with force, especially causing damage or injury.

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to cause a person or place to suffer severely from the effects of something very unpleasant that happens suddenly: disaster strikes I ...